If you want to continue overpaying your taxes year after year you should continue using a firm who has not asked you about tax reduction. Or continue to use the tax preparation services of the franchises who charge you my and provide you with less. Or you might consider Tim Wolfe CPA for services that will prepare your current year tax return, but will work with you to identify strategies to reduce your income taxes for the rest of your life.
You can trust us to prepare your taxes accurately. Our capable team is up to date on the latest tax law changes and updates, and we make it our priority to see that our clients pay as little in tax as is legally possible. We watch out for new legislation, look for changes in deductions, and monitor the constantly evolving federal and state regulations throughout the year so you get the most benefits at tax time.
Don’t cut corners to save pennies. When we prepare your tax return you can be confident that your taxes will be prepared properly and filed on time, every time. Call us today at 847-818-0400 or request a send us a message online.